invest, create, restore

Donate to positive change

The Lovejoy Village Association contributes to our community in many different ways, and donations are an essential part of raising money to make change happen here in Lovejoy. 

Below are just some of the ways we contribute to improving life in our neighborhood:

Opened the Lovejoy Village Art Connection in Fall 2020, which offers affordable arts & crafts classes to both children and adults.

Opened the Lovejoy Village Market in Summer 2021, allowing residents to shop local where profits are reinvested into the community.

Bringing informational classes and seminars to the area including the Credit Building & Homebuying seminar.

Organize community cleanups to remove trash and debris from the public areas of our neighborhood such as parks, community gathering places and the business district.

Assist in coordinating and promoting events for the children such as the Lovejoy Village Halloween Parade, Hennepin Center Activities and more. 

Meeting with investors to attract businesses to the area and ensure they have our resident’s best interests in mind. 

Partner with local politicians and businesses to influence positive change in the community. 

Working with both renters and homebuyers to help them find a new place to call home.

Developing relationships with landlords so we can improve the quality of life in Lovejoy and refer potential tenants to them. 

Assist in reporting crime & encouraging a greater police presence.

1160 E. Lovejoy St.  |  Buffalo, New York 14206
Office: 716 861-1589

Copyright 2020 Lovejoy Village Association LLC